Wireless Take-Out
Wireless Take-Out
Eleven Pairs of Shoes Top of Box
Eleven Pairs of Shoes Open
Eleven pairs of Shoes Detail
Time Dilation
Time Dilation
Face Off
Face Off
Free Speech Collapsing
Free Speech Collapsing
Los Muertos Encuantran una Casa
Los Muertos Encuantran una Casa
L'Amour est Mortel, Viva L'Amour
L’Amour est Mortel, Viva L’Amour
The Chaos Game
The Chaos Game
Indra's Net
Indra’s Net
Cicada sul Sole
Cicada sul Sole
Te Amo
Del Sole
A Dozen Long-Stemmed Remotes
A Dozen Long-Stemmed Remotes

1 thought on “Sculptures

  1. Eleven Pairs of Shoes is emotionally powerful. My throat is full as I type this.

    The detail, the care, and the incredible imagination and insight of the artist makes this a layered experience the likes of which I’ve never seen.

    The top of the box is beautiful at first glance, and then upon moments of study, creates a sense of beauty in the beholder, then one of beauty broken? beauty faded? malevolence? sadness? Yes, all of those. Those first impression compelled me to examine the whole and the details more carefully. I sense the silencing of speech, of the right or ability to cry out, to seek help. I think, “this the binding of children, one void of speech, one of sight and one chipped away.” The hands, the detail of the brass around the perimeter of the box, is this chains, and are those hands outstretched in hope of rescue? What does the shell in one represent? Is it freedom? Is it timelessness? Is it ebb and flow? Is it the ever-changing, the sense of being held in place, as an undertow threatens to draw one out to unimaginable depths? I don’t know the answers to those questions, I only know that I am overwhelmed and deeply affected well before I see the inside of this work.

    Eleven Pairs of Shoes open/detail, what emotions lay within. Tears flowed as I looked at each shoe and read the words on some and the possible story that each one recounts for me. There are pairs, a sense of support? But the words on one pair strike at the heart, and on another, is that fire passed? The broken pairs, a sense of despair? The stories will be different for each person who sees it.

    As a whole, this incredibly detailed work is gentle and tragic, sad, wondrous and terrible, layered, and emotionally evocative. Art seldom affects me so intensely. I will be thinking and remembering this piece for a very long time.

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